Shameless self-promotion time! This, my dear friends, family, readers, and blog article scanners, completes my first series. Perfect (Book One) was the cornerstone book for my budding author career; it will forever and ever hold a special place in my heart, mind, and soul.
Even if people don't like it.
And some people don't like it. But, guess what? That's okay with me! Plus... a lot of people do like it.
Either way, I wrote a book!!
Scratch that... I wrote an entire series! **fist pump**
Perfect: Her Reverse Genus (Book #1)
These books are certainly a labor of love -- the products of sheer strong will and determination amidst the hardships I faced in 2018 and 2019. Over the course of this series, I grew both personally and as a career author.
In fact, I didn't start out as a career author at all. I started out as a hobbyist, just like the best of them.
Broken: Her Reverse Genus (Book #2)
When I did finally figure out that I was in it for the long haul, I realized I should probably learn how to actually do it right. That it's probably a good idea for writers to structure their stories prior to writing and publishing them.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, though: I do not regret publishing my first two books "off the cuff." Not one bit.
Resistant: Her Reverse Genus (Book #3)
The third book in the series marks the "fun and games" portion of the otherwise tense overarching series plot. This is the book where I started implementing everything I'd learned from the first two books. An installment-specific problem and solution, for instance.
Expendable: Her Reverse Genus (Book #4)
Book Four reveals some of my strongest writing and story execution of the series (prior to the fifth book, of course.) This installment marks a turning point in my writing speed and overall execution as well. It wasn't until the fourth book in my first series that I realized it was okay to get a little messy. That it's okay to "let go" and allow the creative side of your brain to supersede your analytical side.
Preserved: Her Reverse Genus (Book #5)
And now... the series is complete. Book five hitting the record as my biggest book to-date at around 103,000 words!
If you love adult romance and a bit of soft science, check it out!
The deadline for everyone to submit a mandatory blood sample for the DNA Networking Act is fast approaching, but Thessaly and the four guys on her Reverse Genus list have plans of their own: to find the real reason behind the Act and put a stop to The Program's nefarious plans before it's too late.
Fear. Friendship. Betrayal. Lust. Hate. Passion. Despair.
It's no-holds-barred in this near future, light Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance
I am happy for you☆!This is quite an accomplishment I would give your books a read but find online to the purchase ...or kindle area for them Can try cut and paste ..
Like the Fallen cover and idea but again no where to click to get it into my kindle..Write away!